The Party

My friends had somehow convinced me to go to the teen club again. I hated places like that in fact the only good thing that ever came from me going there was Draya, I sighed at least she would be there with me and I might actually have a good time. We were already planning on spending the day together and then I was going to spend the night at her house for the first time. Most people would think that I would be nervous spending the night in a house with three Vampires but I wasn’t, I had come to know Celeste and David well and I trust them and of course I trust my Draya. I like it when we are able to spend the entire night together and I wake up in her arms and feel safe and content like everything is right in the world. I also like that I don’t have to keep the nights we spend together secret from my parents anymore well at least not all of them they don’t know that she actually spends every night with me leaving before they wake up or when they are out of town and she would spend all night and most of the day with me. I think one of my favorite things is waking up in her arms feeling safe, protected, happy so immensely happy but even more than all that loved; I was on cloud nine some little piece of heaven carved itself out and made its new home in my heart. At Draya’s house we spent 50% of our time cuddling in her room I love cuddles and so does Draya so it worked the rest of the time we spent in the living room Draya would read poems to me from a book or we would take turns reading out loud to each other and not just pomes; Draya admitted that she never actually read the twilight books and only conceded to see the movies so she would know what everyone was talking about we devoured the first book and were halfway through the second one “I really do hate these books.”

“Then why are you reading them out loud with me?”

“Because I like listening to your pretty voice darling and anyway, I suffered through the first one might as well commit to finishing the series.”

“You don’t have to if you really hate them that much.”

“I have suffered through worse.”

“Are you sure I don’t mind reading something else.”

“This is fine for right now darling.”

“Ok if, you are sure?”

“I am.”

I smiled at her and continued reading.

After we were done reading Draya challenged me to a chess match. I wasn’t very good Celeste and Draya had only recently taught me how to play but even if I lost I found that I still liked the game and with more practice like with many things I would get better. As the day went on and sunset came I realized it was time to face the music both figuratively and literally. Tracy was picking us up as she was doing for her boyfriend Jeff and Kelsey and Phil as well. Draya and I were the last ones to be picked up.

When we climbed into the VW bus Kelsey and Phil were seated in the back and there were wet suctioning noises coming from the darkness of the back seat.

“They have been going at it ever since I picked them up, I mean it’s make out city back there.” Tracy complained.

The noises stopped “Oh come on like you don’t mind fuck and eye fuck Jeff at every single stop light? We have already been honked at twice for it.” Kelsey shouted at Tracy from the back seat.

“I don’t even want to think about what the two of you are going to get up to in some dark corner of the club tonight.” Tracy shot back

“We are not that bad probably won’t even get past PG13 stuff.”

“As long as you don’t get arrested or pregnant or both it is none of my business and I don’t need to know about your sexcapades.” Tracy said.

“Do you know what my parents would do if either of those things happened? We’re talking all girls boarding school and bible summer camp for the rest of my high school career and after that they would probably send me to a convent, I would be celibate for life.”

“Ok, ok I get it sorry I said anything.” the rest of the ride was made in silence save for the radio and thankfully the gross wet noises had stopped. Hallie and Raquel along with Brian and Forest were already at the club and waiting outside for us when we got there and once we were in the club our eyes and ears were assaulted by the flashing lights and loud music. My friends and their boyfriends were immediately on the dance floor I however went to find a seat at the bar Draya at my side.

I was halfway through my second Shirley Temple when Draya spoke “Don’t you at least want to enjoy one dance Darling?”

“Nope I am just fine being a wallflower.”

“Princess, I don’t know whether anyone has ever told you this, but life is not a spectator sport so, carpe diem.”

“I would really rather not”

“For the love of…if I hadn’t promised to never use my powers on you, I would so compel you right now.” Draya said clearly frustrated with me.

I sighed “Is it really that important to you?”

“A bit, yes.”

“Fine, but I get to finish my drink first.”

I took my time finishing my drink I was not looking forward to venturing out onto the overcrowded dance floor but unfortunately for me the glass I was drinking from was not infinite and it didn't take long before Draya and I were heading towards the dance floor hand in hand. As we reached the dance floor a song had just started 'glad you came' by 'The Wanted'

"Fallow my lead" Draya whispered into my ear as we are reaching the center of the dance floor taking my hands in hers, we step apart and together, apart and together, and, apart and together, again then she turned me one, two, three, times the skirt I was wearing flaring out as I spun and as I danced with Draya everyone else on the dance floor no longer mattered we ended the dance in a sort of short slow dance because the last few lines of the song are much slower than the rest of the song. The next song was 'Firework' by 'Katy Perry' and after that was 'Die Young' by 'Kesha' and then 'Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F)' by 'Katy Perry' then 'Call Me Maybe' by 'Carly Rae Jepsen' the last song we danced to was 'I Gotta Feeling' by 'The Black Eyed Peas' by that time i was out of breath and needed a break so Draya and I retreated back to the bar.

Draya and I spent the rest of the night mostly just listening to the music and it wasn’t long before my friends were all ready to go home also Kelsey had a curfew to keep.

I dozed off on the way back to Draya’s house I wasn’t tired exactly just super relaxed and comfortable sitting next to my Draya her arms around me. I barely even remember waking up and walking into the house and going up stairs to Draya’s room. I am sure that had it not been for some coxing from Draya that I would have crawled into the bed with my shoes on and everything but I managed to get changed and I was now laying next to Draya tracing intricate patters on her clod forearm.

“What are you thinking about?” Draya asked me

“You, wondering what I did to be lucky enough to be with you sometimes I…” I trail of not wanting to admit to the rest of what I was thinking.

“Sometimes you?” Draya prompted

“I don’t want to tell you the rest… it’s silly…you’ll laugh at me.”

“I promise I won’t laugh at you darling please tell me.”

I sigh “Fine, you know how people say if something seems to good to be true it usually is? Well sometimes I wonder if this is like that…sometimes I don’t want to fall asleep because I am worried that I will wake up only to discover that this has all been a dream and I’ll wake up and you’ll be gone and this will all be over.”

Draya was silent for a while then I feel a sharp pinch on my arm “Ow what was that for?”

“Well you’re not dreaming or you wouldn’t have felt that.”

I shove her lightly “Smart ass.”

“I don’t think what you said was silly I often feel the same way sometimes when you lay next to me at night and I gaze over you sometimes I find myself frightened to look away like if I do you will disappear and I will have lost you forever.”

“I don’t plan on going anywhere any time soon.” I say reassuringly

“Me either princess now how about we go to sleep and I do believe it is my turn to be the little spoon”

“Ok come here” I say taking her into my arms and pulling her close to me and I hear her let out a contented sigh as she relaxed against my body and I smuggled closer to her and listened to her breathing as it lulled me to sleep.


Story continues in story titled Something New

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