We Were Happy Once (Soulmate Story)

After a particular bad argument between his parents, Roman peeks out of his doorway. He knows by now how it goes. It is a routine.

His mother is in the kitchen, pretending everything is ok while his dad just slammed the door on his way out. Then Roman would come out of his dissociative state and go to Jeremiah’s or Cross’ house.

Usually, his mom is practically vibrating with anger. Eyes bright with fury, tongue sharp with harsh words ready. But she’s sniffling, hunched over the sink.

“Hey Mom, are you ok?” His approach is painfully tentative. He knows how to deal with irritation and anger displacement. It is one of his specialties——controlling his emotions when people lash at him. Sometimes, he would take some of her annoyance and rage to just take the edge off for her. She hates when he does that, but she admits how much it helps.

He came see her wiper her face before turning to look at him. Even with no tears, her puffy eyes were evidence enough.

“I’m sorry, sweetie. You shouldn’t have to hear that,” her voice is hoarse from yelling and crying. She attempts to clear her throat but it doesn’t do much.

“It’s fine,” he replies, but she shakes her head. “Not it’s not. We’re your parents. We should be the adults here.”

He agrees, but he would never say it out loud. His parents aren’t great at being parents when they are together. When Roman sees them separately, they are great parents. They do all the things normal people do with their kid. It’s just when they are ever in the vicinity of one another or mention their names that everything goes to hell.

Thinking of his soulmate, Jeremiah, he asks, “Was there a time that you were ever happy?”

He has vague memories of them being jovial together, but for most of his life, they have been like in this constant state of resentment.

“Of course there was,” she answers.

“Can I hear about one of those moments?”

Wrapping her arms around him, his head resting on her chest. “Of course.”



A 19-year-old Madge shrieked as her boyfriend threw her over his shoulder, carrying her towards the lake.

“Just a quick dip, Madge!” He teases, as he hovers her over the water.

“Don’t you dare throw me in!” He was never good at doing what she said because he took that as an invitation to do just the opposite.

She emerged, a smile on her face. Cal helped her relax. While she would normally slowly enter the water, inch by inch, he would just cannonball in. He was impulsive.

Being opposites worked for them though. They were balanced that way. He dragged her away from her computer and she grounded him in moments he was sure he would break.

“I wasn’t ready,” she playfully whines, pushing her hair from her face. He grins and jumps in, splashing her in the face. “That’s the point.”

It was a lazy weekend. He found this secluded spot and it became theirs. Swimming and splashing one another, the day was perfect.

When they embraced, her arms around his neck with him keeping her above water too, he confessed, “I want to marry you.”

She blinked, taken aback, suddenly not being able to breathe. The past year had been amazing. There is nothing else like being with your soulmate, but marriage hadn’t come up yet.

“Is that you asking?”

He laughed. “No, I’ll ask in a way better, cooler way. I just wanted you to know that I picture us married. Eventually.”

Finally being able to breathe out, she smiles. “Of course. I do too. Eventually.”


“I thought that moment would last forever,” his mom ends her story, her gaze glossed over, her body here but her mind far away.

Roman never heard this story before, though he doesn’t hear many positive ones. A warm feeling washes over him, not from his powers this time. It is nice to know that his parents were happy with each other once. Even if it were just for a moment.

“It didn’t. But I need you to know that I don’t regret it. I know I say some really horrible things to your father when I’m angry, but you are the best thing to come from this. Your father and I may not be great spouses, but we both love being your parents.”

Tears prick at his eyes, stinging. He shuts them, trying to not cry.

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry.” His mom is overcome with emotion. She cups Roman’s cheeks and stares right into his watering gaze.

“You are the best son I could have ever asked for.”

He does actually cry.

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