Image by Niilo Isotalo @ Unsplash

A witch discovers they can hear the language of trees, uncovering a world of ancient magic and old evils.
the trees have eyes
Ancient, green giants
tower lovingly across the land
stretching out as far as her eyes can see
from the hilltop above.
A canopy of leaves,
a blanket of earth below,
“All hail to the trees!”
she cries, longingly.
She kneels down,
resting body, spirit, and mind
clearing her thoughts and
pushing aside her worries and wonders
for all she can think of
are the trees.
Silence engulfs her;
she is overtaken
by desire for their wisdom.
Then, a voice protrudes,
from the ether
a knotted branch extends
offering a blessing of sight and of power!
She accepts willingly,
grateful for their gift,
but beware, oh seeker,
“You have forgotten these things for a reason.”
Suddenly, wind whips around her
hurricane force gusts take her up,
carrying her towards the heavens
so she may see the evil below.
Beneath her,
the forest glows orange;
silver wisps of beings
flutter through the now-dancing trees.
They celebrate, in fact,
for they have tricked another
foolhardy mistress.
“Another sacrifice!” they rejoice,
“We will feast again tonight!”