“That was the only lesson she ever needed to learn.”
Write a poem about anything you wish, but end with the line provided.
As the night rushed over the land like a blanket,
She looked over the horizon
The stars broke out into the night, little clusters of hope
They ask if she wants to play, all she says is nope
When the girls ran, playing tag in the sun
She was in her bed dreaming of the one
When they pulled their covers
And she looks over the horizon
They sing and sing as she dreams,
Dreams of hope
Her nightmares more often
Taking her from peace
Then she asked the stars for answers
They told her, shining bright,
Hope was right above her
That was the only lesson she ever needed to learn
HardCoreWriter- Shout out to everyone who supports me, I wouldn't have made it here without y'all. Thank you for your support! ♡♡♡✌︎✌︎♡☻☻