Mask Of Dreams

Returning to a state of fear,

There is a sole idea held dear

by all those that travel here.

They seek freedom, the ability to dream.

Whether cursed by loneliness,

harmed by traumatic experience,

or just simply a mess.

This wish may cause you to break at the seams.

I was once like you, a foolish child.

My nightmares were constant, it drove me wild.

The shortened days left my mind full of bile.

My thoughts were not the only thing that was dark.

I sought to escape, wanted an easy way out; willing to sell my soul for any amount.

Approached by a shade, whose identity I have little doubt

but blind was I to the enemy of the Ark,

A deal was struck on that fateful night,

one that granted me temporary light.

Please I beg of you, hear my plight.

The dreams that will follow will grant temporary joy.

Visions of power, highs never felt before Eventually, you will find yourself wanting more.

Heed this warning, this I implore.

This is all just a part of the ploy.

If left unquenced, this thirst will consume.

Flames will emerge from the light you once knew.

Indeed, your life will begin anew.

However, something else will rise from the ash.

A being scarred, feeling only emptiness inside.

A feeling so strong, it will eat you alive.

Your dreams are dead, the promises of new life were simply a lie.

Your soul is his, at long last.

The die has been cast.

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