My Knight

It was dust, as the sun was going down, on this October late afternoon. Samantha and William walked hand-in-hand, backpack on, as they were both juniors in high school. They were walking home from school, because Unfortunately, they both had missed their school buses. Samantha had been grounded by her parents as she had been forbidden to date William, as Samantha was Caucasian and William was a handsome, muscular African-American young man. Both were seventeen. A portion of their 3 mile walk home took them through a narrow alley in their hometown residence of Crownpoint, which is located in Dayton, Ohio.

Samantha felt uneasy and gripped William ‘s hand tightly, as a group of young white males were approaching them in this dark alleyway. “ They look like thugs! whispered Samantha, as each of them were holding what appeared to be large tree limbs and stones in their hands. and they appear to be upset and up to no good.

“William, do you know them? Samantha asked very fearfully with tears in her eyes, “

“Don’t worry, I got you girl! I know some of those guys yeah, they are part of the “Drexel Gang” they are from the other side of the tracks, most kids are afraid of them, but not me!”

“I know you’re a black belt in karate and a football player and all...but there are four of them to your one! she cried”

“Samantha, you see that abandon house right there? I want you to go and wait for me in there”, William insisted, I need to give these guys a piece of my mind! And show them what I’m

working with! “Williams spoke very matter-of-factly, and Samantha admired that.

It seemed like an eternity, but really, it was only 20 minutes or so, when William joined Samantha in the abandon house. When William appeared in the doorway of the house, he appeared unshaken, calm and fierce. As he sat down beside her on the dirty ground with debris scattered all around them, the light from the moon, was beginning to shine in the broken windows. But, it didn’t matter, as Samantha’s “Knight in Shining armor “ was back here with her, safe and sound!

“So what happened? Are you all right William? “

“ Girl! Do I look all right? , I’m real good! We won’t be having any more troubles out of those rascals he smiled with a bit of a smirk on his face.

So all in Samatha’s world was good right now. She looked around and excitedly found a black spray can of paint …and a space , where she painted on one of the graffiti filled walls…

We were in LOVE here”

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