Writing Prompt
Image by Dan Meyers @ Unsplash

"We were in love here". Write the story of how your protagonist ended up painting this here.
Dylan and Faith (in progress)
It all started one night in California… __ __ __ The sky is dark, almost black and the stars are like little shiny dots, gold earings that are unreachable. One week ago I was in Las Vegas… With Jason, before he left me for the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. I wasn’t that shocked or sad, because I knew we weren’t a good match, and I was starting to hate him actually. He was becoming annoying and he’s never been a good guy to be honest. I also feel he never treated me right… She has blonde, thick platinum hair, green eyes as bright as the grass when the sun is shining it’s brightest, and a body that I would forever dream, with big and defined curves. I’m not like that. I’m not special at all. My thin dark brown hair gets untidy after just five minutes I leave home and it makes me a living mess. My eyes just as normal, really dark brown with no specks of anything else while my lips are just two thin strips. Instead my curves are gentle, really delicate but also quite non existing. It’s obvious why he left me. Definitely. The sea is a little rough but it makes walking on the silky and wet sand even more relaxing and fun, with droplets of water splashing on my face and all over my white beach dress. The full moon reflects on the water with a silver elegant colour. I take out my phone and immortalize the moment, so it will be forever with me. My habitat is the night, the one which seems a lonely night but the stars keep me company like no one else does, ‘cause no one else knows me as well as they do. I should hate them, despise them, because they saw everything. From the moment my dad abandoned me on the courtyard of our neighbours and mom came to find me desperate, to when Jason told me I didn’t deserve anyone. <<Faith, you should know you’re worthless, no one will ever want you, I made a mistake, I was stupid.>> Those words hit me hard, but I didn’t even cry, because I knew he was right. You may call me a robot for not crying, but this is me, or maybe… When someone doesn’t love you right, or doesn’t even like you, there’s no need to waste tears on them. He was my first boyfriend, I trusted him but not that much. He was always a little unusual. I want to run until the end in this moonlight and landscape, but someone could see me. Just as I make a bigger step to get ready to sprint I hit something… Someone. A big hard male torso stands right in front of me. <<Watch out>> a playful voice calls out, it’s him. <<Oh, umm sorry, I didn’t mean to umm…>> I stutter <<No need to worry>> He gently smiles and brings his left hand through his hair. I focus on his face, now that I have a good view of it. Tousled black hair falls a little bit on his forehead. At least it seems black. His eyes glow, really glow. They seem a really dark brown but they shine with this warm sunset. His lips, juicy, they seem soft like a rose petal. I wonder how they taste like. I should stop fantasizing over boys, I have indeed just broken up with Jason. He smirks. Oh god he’s so pretty. A little dimple forms in his right cheek. Oh god, I’m falling for this one. I look down, he’s wearing a white t-shirt that adapts to his muscles and highlights them. He does the same. He scans me from head to toe, he focuses on my figure, before going back to my face. <<Wanna take a walk… Here with me?>> <<Yeah sure>> I reply kind of nervous but stunned by his look
The Shed
Another puff of the joint she brought and now I see it. Her smile when she giggles, her snort when she laughs. It’s addicting. We come here everyday after school and just hangout. We would talk about how our days were and what was coming up during the week. Her parents aren’t really parents to say the least. She picks up her brother from daycare everyday after she leaves from here. She will go home and feed him macaroni or some chef boyardee, usually whatever canned food she could find. It was only once that she had to steal from the mini mart down the road. It had been days since her or her brother had eaten. It’s not an easy life. Her father has laid hands on her a time or two. I told her to report it, but she was too scared he would find out and do much worse things. I would report it, but then I’m not sure if I would ever see her again. One day she came after school with a busted lip, bruises on her back and a black eye. I promised her I wouldn’t call the police, but I lied. I couldn’t stand to see her in pain like that. That day before we left, we spray painted the wall together. We knew what we both wanted. A life with each other, a life worth living. Something neither of us knew we could have. I never saw her again after that. 10 years later and this abandoned shed withstood storms and wildfires. She was indeed my first true love. I would have withstood any storm or wildfire for her.
Pass You By
It’s beautiful that we find purpose in creativity Often creativity is rooted in originality And yet one of those most beautiful things of all time is love The one topic it is impossible to be original about
I wanted to write about you here, I passed you by in the street today. But I didn’t feel the agony I thought I would. You’re a stranger I can smile at.
Lost Love
He couldn’t face his pain He left everything behind He took the nearest train People say he lost his mind We built this house The one that fell apart My soon to be spouse He shattered my heart its been years I had to abandon this house Nobody wiped my tears I heard you’re a lost souse You left at dawn You’re gone
Love And War
“Take our daughter and run!” I relinquish baby Carmen to my husband Carter, who hesitates. “We both know if one of us can make it, it has to be you! I could never raise her on my own!”
“That’s not a good enough excuse to sacrifice yourself like that!” Carter cries. “Carmen needs a mother! She needs you!”
The air raid alarms blare louder in my ears. Thoughts mix unevenly in my mind, freezing me in place. “No…no I can’t…I won’t let you die!”
Carter reached into his shallow pocket. Pulling out a small knife, he etched the words ‘We Were In Love Here’ into the walls.
“If either of us die, our love will remain in this world,” Carter says, “in Carmen too.”
I look at baby Carmen, swaddled and out like a light in her favorite blanket. She looks angelic, just like her father.
“It’ll be here if we survive this war, too.”
He takes his calloused hand a caresses it against my cheek. With his thump, he swipes away my tears, making me briefly ignore the fact that war in this world will never truly end.
I hold my daughter and husband close, taking in their loving warmth like a blanket of protection, shielding them with my own body in turn.
Closing my eyes shut, I allowed the bombs to perform their deathly symphony.
A Team
You take the steps up the crumbling staircase, thick vines reach for the door from all angles, determined to get inside the abandoned house.
You walk down the long hallway, the white wooden door on the end shut tight against the chilly breeze that runs through the house like a child at play.
Your hands find the golden knob, you twist and push, the sticky door sliding open, allowing a fraction of light to slide into the dark hallway. Your heart begins to race, your palms slip across the knob, slick with sweat. Beads of it begin to roll down your forehead, despite the low temperatures.
Letting your breath out slowly, you push the door open wide, letting the light flood into the hallway like water behind a dam.
Those words- We were in love here - F+D
You remember it like it was yesterday; the day you stole a black spay can from a small corner store on Lakeland Street. You brought it here. And you put this on these walls. You said then, “These words will stay together here, just as we will stay together. Without each other, they make no sense. Just like you and I.”
Tears pool and spill, you bring a hand up to your eyes and bite your lip to keep it from quivering. You shake against the chilly breeze, as you settle against the wall, covering the dried black ink with your back.
And then you scream. Loud, angry and mean. When it’s not enough you do it again as the tears come faster, boiling their way down your face. You ball your fists and cry into your knees like a baby.
You were suppose to be a team… a team forever. Now the words are here, yet the people that put them there are gone.
Slowly, you stand. You exit the room and go to your car. Unlocking the back door, you take out the soapy bucket, bleach and sponge.
Session Bot
Year: 4028 month: February day: 28 In a Far away in a science lab
“Dr. dhay your experiment is working! The session bot is moving ; I fixed it!” Screamed Dr. dhay’s son Fred. “is this one of your jokes again? they haven’t moved I’ve been tinkering with them for years, there’s no no noo way you fixed it”
“Beep! Downloading “echoed the session bot. dr dhay yelled I’m a genus! No I did that! Fred argued. One day later. the session bots were programmed and were charged. Dr dhay said go! Work! They were programmed to set up stuff for each session.
Malfunction, malfunction, malfunction! It got confused because of the leap year it was going to instead of help it was going to force everything in love, what a major problem.
So dr dhay painted on the door “we were in love here f+d” the bot exploded because it did not know what to do now. “What a great thing you made Fred, you did all of this”sated dr. Dhay Fred argued that it was his idea in the first place.
It‘s just a wish
'We were in love here'
She steps back from the wall, looking at the black writing that she made from the pylox. The wall that become a witness of how much love that they cherished before, before it comes a big mess.
Everything has just changed, but it turns as it shouldn‘t be. Hoping the diamond will stay on your finger, but end up beaten in the boxing ring. Monday they‘re in love and next day being each other‘s red. The fibers looks so neat and seconds later change into a mess.
Now she can only stare at the wall, wishing they could knit the hole on their clothes and start another day. But it‘s just a wish, because the hole is getting bigger and the threads can‘t hold it anymore.