
Imagine a place-

If a place that you could see

Was hidden in the dark

But right there in front of you

Imagine a world where spirits are set free

Where they can haunt

Whoever they want

And they will feed off your light

Imagine a night

That can happen only once in a year

Where both worlds are connected

On a moonless night

You can see kids all dressed up

They get to be what they want

And wear what they want for

Only just one night

But the spirits are out-

Beware! They might

Be right next to you

So heed my quick advice

These spirits are hungry and cold

They want a peice of you

But after tonight, they are gone away

So their hunger must be fed on that night

Heed my words, young one

Or perhaps old, the spirits

Are free to catch you

Only on this night

So when you go out

I plead you, don’t be foolish

The spirits wait for the dumb ones

To crash the graveyards

And that is when you can’t be safe

Not even your friends can be there

Don’t mess with them either,

For you may become one with them

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