You are stuck in a room with a pyschopath who wants to kill you. You have 5 minutes to convince them otherwise.

Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.


His name was Joe and his stare was as cold as ice. He had long black greasy hair and he was enormous. There was nothing I could do to defend myself since I was fully tapped to the chair. After he gets in his chair, we speak.

“Look man, you really don’t have to do this. I don’t know what you want but I have a lot of money if you want that.” I say as a drop a sweat runs down my face.

He was only response was his long empty stare. Knowing my fate, I try to ask for something a bit more reasonable.

“Ok, I know you’re gonna kill me and there’s not much I can do to change that. But can you just promise that you’ll do it quickly?”

“I’ll take as long as I have to.” He responded quietly as everything faded to black.

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