Neither of the two had really been in this sort of relationship before, yet they both loved each other to bits. Dylan ( despite being a shy and awkward introvert) was the one to start the whole thing with Ellie. It was initially slow as one would expect with a couple like this, however by the time both of them had moved in with each other it was perfect.
Not long after, Dylan had gained quite a drastic amount of friends after meeting Lucy. Because of this, he would often spend many nights out at the pub getting drunk before getting back home late. When this started, it had actually scared Lucy. “Please don’t go. Do you know how dangerous it can get there?” She would often beg at Dylan before he left. But the pressure from his friends and colleagues had slowly started to turn him from her.
One night it was so bad that he had came back home the following day. Her head was so red it was like an overuse tomato. “Next time this shit happens don’t come back!” She screamed at Dylan. “I know. It won’t happen again. I promise.” “But how can I trust you?” “We could get married” Dylan suggested. Then suddenly, they began to kiss. In this moment Dylan had discovered a valuable lesson- only through time can relationships truly begin to become to blossom and grow.
The process was rather slow, but it eventually got to a point were we absolutely resented each other. It all started when my mum started acting a lot more quite than usual. I thought it was just her being in an argument with her friends or something, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. My sister got in a lot more fights with my parents and my dad got home as drunk as Homer Simpson. Even I started to grow more depressed, but I think deep down I still loved them; even if it was just a little a bit.
After a few months, my parents eventually got divorced and me and my mum moved to Norway. Life’s good but I just wish things could get back to the it used to be. My sister and Dad are still in the Uk and I haven’t been in contact with them since we left.
Honestly, I don’t even know if I can love another person again without feeling like the biggest piece of shit in the world.
I awoke to a subtle banging from the room across the corridor, as I tossed in my messy bed. Rubbing my eyes, I heard my annoying mother call me . Ben, my brother, ate a poo and pooed it back out onto my crusty face as I struggled to awake. ‘’GO AWAY’’ I yelled, as I rubbed the poo further into my face in an attempt to get it off.
Barbara (my aunt) lived by herself and she didn’t usually have many visitors come and visit her. At first, I honestly felt bad for her; it would be horrible not having somebody to talk to for years. It was the first few days of the holiday when I visited her down in London and it was one of the craziest days I’ve ever had.
When my mum dropped me off, both her and Barb where talking to each other, so I went up to my room to get unpacked. There was a bookshelf in one of the corners of the room which was full of books and it had a this blurry old picture of a Victorian man. There was also a TV in the middle on top of a cupboard with a lamp on the side. The entire room was a creamy white: the door, the walls, the bed, everything.
When I finished unpacking, I went down the stairs and to my right was three or so old pictures of 20th century men. “Weird” I thought as I got down the rest of the stairs. My mum was just saying bye to Barb as soon as I got down. When she left, me and Barb where talking to each other for a while about school. However, she seemed very uneasy. Sometimes she would just stop talking in the middle of her sentence and she often wouldn’t reply to my questions.
Dinner was even worse. It was bangers and mash, but the sausages were burnt so much you couldn’t cut them and the mash had these crunchy bits in and it was freezing. Barb on the other hand, couldn’t help herself; she had every last bite. “Sorry, could I be excused from the table please.” Judging by her continued eating I went up the stairs to call mum. However, as I was going up, there were more of those men staring at me in the pictures.
Mum was having none of it; I was going to have to survive the night. In the dead of night, I crawled back down into the kitchen. Searching through the room, I found a trapdoor in the corner. What was In there was truly indescribable. I think it was a crate of dead bodies but it had been disfigured horribly. Panicked, I closed the door and as soon as I got up Barb was there, knife in hand, staring. “Night Night Johnny”
Hell was gigantic. When I looked up at the ceiling, it looked like it wouldn’t end. Everything was completely covered in guts and blood. I could hear many ravenous beasts screaming in the distance, feasting on their prey. On a few of the walls next me, I could see faces’s in agony and despair.
However, despite the horrific and disturbing setting, I found this place quite intriguing. It felt like the type of place where I could scream at the top of my lungs and nobody would care. I felt free.
It was half five and I was in the living room with my mum. We just had a fight that morning so we weren’t exactly too happy to see each other. “Look Ben, I know we’ve been shouting at each other and I don’t think that’s going anywhere, so we’re both gonna stop that now.” “That’s what I’ve been trying to do.” I thought to myself, but I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to start another fight. “Anyway, I was also gonna say that I want you to go to this maths revision club after school on Wednesday. I know that you’ll miss that church club, but this is more important and your dad thinks that as well.” In shock and fear, I responded saying “Why can’t I just do revision at home? I’ll get just as much out of it as that club and I won’t miss Jolt.” “We’ll talk later about this with dad another day. So do you want to talk about your day?”
I walked slowly up the stairs as I began to process what had just happened to me. “Is this all going to go because of a fucking revision session?” I couldn’t believe it. After dinner, I somehow had the guts to call Aimee. When I told her the news, she didn’t say much at first; I guess she was in as much shock as me. We talked about how our days had been for a few minutes and then I had to hang up.
It’s now Tuesday night (the day before the club) and we still haven’t talked about it with dad. I knew I had two options here: Don’t go to Jolt and never see one of my best friends again or have a pissed off bitch for the rest of my life. I made my decision and I waited until tomorrow.
I walked out of R.E; feeling like I’ve lost my mind. Looking to the left of me, I took a deep sigh and I went right, up the hill, to the church.
It’s body was dripping with something that looked like black tar. It had no facial features apart from two black holes were its eyes should be. It was about as tall and wide as me; practically an exact replica apart from the whole darkness thing.
“Hello? Are you ok?” It responded with a gargled noise and a light flashing from it’s eyes. Not knowing how to respond, I gave it a pat on the shoulder. However when I removed my hand, it was fully covered by the black goo. In shear panic, I ran for my life; not looking back.
His name was Joe and his stare was as cold as ice. He had long black greasy hair and he was enormous. There was nothing I could do to defend myself since I was fully tapped to the chair. After he gets in his chair, we speak.
“Look man, you really don’t have to do this. I don’t know what you want but I have a lot of money if you want that.” I say as a drop a sweat runs down my face.
He was only response was his long empty stare. Knowing my fate, I try to ask for something a bit more reasonable.
“Ok, I know you’re gonna kill me and there’s not much I can do to change that. But can you just promise that you’ll do it quickly?” “I’ll take as long as I have to.” He responded quietly as everything faded to black.
Sam was sweating like as if he had just ran a 10k. He had little to no experience with these sort things and he was worrying about almost every little detail on him. “God what time is it?”, he thought to himself as grabbed his phone.
Finally, she had arrived. Lydia had short blonde hair and was wearing a light blue dress. “Hey, you look nice.” Sam said whilst nervously scratching the back of his neck. “Thanks, you look good as well.” “You want to head inside then?” “Sure”
The restaurant was Chinese; Lydia’s favourite. They both ordered the same thing: roasted duck and sweet and sour pork for their main.
“So do you want to head to my place?” Sam said hopefully. “Uh, sorry I think I’ll pass, but thanks for the offer.” “No that’s alright. I guess I’ll see you later then.” “Yeah I really liked tonight.” “Me too.”
The room was dimly lit with plain grey walls surrounding her. It looked it was an ordinary bedroom apart from the giant swash sticker plastered on the wall. “Who do you work for?” Her kidnapper said with a thick German accent. “I work for myself.” Ruby replied, spitting in her enemy’s face. The neonazi looked amused as a smile spread across his face. “If you don’t answer our questions, your pretty little face won’t be the same.” “I don’t think thats gonna happen.” Suddenly, Ruby broke out of her handcuffs using a certain technique from training and punched him straight in the face. “Fuck!” He screamed with blood pouring from his nose. Quickly Ruby grabbed his gun, held at his head and barked orders at him.
She left the building with £500000 and a dead man to worry about.