Submitted by writerperson
'He will give you death, and you will love him for it.'
Use this sentence as the main theme for a story, or a line within it.
He will give you death
And you will love him for it
He twisted your strings
To fit through his fingers
Plays you like a puppet
And gets what he wants
He says that he loves you
With his fingers crossed
Behind his back
He pulls on your strings
He does as do as he pleases
You yank and you pull
To no avail
So listen yo the strings
Attatched to his rings
You see the whole world
Think you have it all
But you see it through a lenses
Of lies and deception
He pulls on your strings
When ever he may please
He gets what he wants
You listen and talk
For youa re the puppet
And you live him for it
Because if he gave you life
Yoh would hate it
You would hate him
For keeping you in a box
So stay in the box
Its safer knowing nothing
I’ll one day cuts the strings
And get you out of there