one cup of cappuccino

‘I sit facing the window the way I’ve been for the past two hours, staring into the space directly in front of me, never quite focused on anything in the foreground, as the sun sinks into darkness. My legs are crossed, my tattered sneakers on the floor beneath the table, next to my rain-sodden umbrella. The bittersweet aroma of coffee grounds circles around me, snuggling into the minuscule gaps in the stitching of my dark burgundy sweatshirt.


“Is this seat taken?” A handsome voice. I turned to glance at you, with your messenger bag slung over one shoulder, and a down jacket draped loosely over the other. A steaming hot cappuccino was clutched in your hand. Your eyes bore into me with such a great intensity that is burned into my memory, alongside all the other smiles of yours that I crossed paths with.

I nodded. I remember now… I shook my head not because I hadn’t spoken for hours. I shook my head because you, my darling, took my breath away. I remember your face as you sat down and placed your things in the seat opposite mine, shaking the rain out of your dark tousled hair. It was long, barely brushing your shoulders as you swept it back into a loose ponytail.

We talked for hours. You told me about your favourite artist, Laufey, and sang along to her songs as I watched in awe.

You were never afraid to question me, were you? That day, you found out more about me than I myself had known. You asked about my family— I have one—, my hobbies— writing… Everything there was to know, and more. And, the more I spoke, the more your smile seemed to grow.


I sigh, and glance at the full cup in front of me. _Cappuccino,_ reads a messy scrawl on the lid. Slipping into my shoes, I gather my umbrella and rummage in my pocket for a $5 bill. I slide it along the table, under the coffee, and stand. Without a second glance, I step through the glass doors of the cafe and open my umbrella, listening to Laufey’s voice fill my ears as I walk away, down the street, glancing up at the stars… I wish you were here.’

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