Beauty of the Wood

I fell to my knees and clutched my heart. Through tear filled eyes, I looked at my trembling hands. Vines twirled up my arms and entangled my body. I screamed in pain, but no one was around to hear. I saw bright lights and heard small whispers. My feet lifted off the ground and color swirled all around me. Then, darkness.

I awoke, the aroma of honey and roses brought a soft smile to my face. I yawned and stretched, sitting up and realizing where I was. There were huge trees all around me, and mushrooms of all colors, some with little white spots. A beautiful babbling brook cut through the forest like a crystal knife, daring you to take a sip of its magical water.

All of a sudden, voices arose out of the forest. They all said the same three words.

Save us, our king

Save us, our king

Save us, our king

My eyes were opened and I noticed that my body was not the same. There were bark and vines where my flesh used to be, and I was wearing a tunic made of autumn leaves and lilies. I stumbled over to the stream and looked into my reflection.

I was wearing a crown made of vines and four-leafed clovers. A single tear fell off my face and into the stream, it sparkled and made the brook glow majestically.

I stood and turned, facing my new kingdom of the wood. I held out my hand and a large staff was forged out of crystals and vines. The forest creatures bowed down and the warrior nymphs kneeled, laying down their weapons. I now had a duty as their king, to protect the enchanted forest at all costs, even if it cost me my life.

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