Happy For You
I want to be happy for you
I do
The ring on your finger
And a finger running through her hair
While you stare into her eyes
It’s great to see you happy
But I wish those eyes were mine
The only arms I ever felt truly safe in
Keep someone else warm tonight
Your smell wore off my clothes years ago
But now and then I catch a whiff
In a corner shop
And stop
Because I’ve forgotten how to breathe
I wonder what she thinks of your stories
That voice that never made me bored
I would have spent an eternity
On cold metal bleachers
Drinking in your words
As long as you would let me
You knew me poetically
__ In a way I thirst after To feel again
I am tender creature But with you I become ravenous All I desire is to taste your lips Your body The moving pieces of your soul How I would devour them If I had not abandoned my chance My tongue feels dry At the thought
I could have fought harder I often think Would you have fought as well? For the fire that engulfed all feeling The one who would never leave my mind Try as I might You have a place cemented there That now feels like an abandoned shrine To a bittersweet love
I want to be happy for you I do But while my world collapses You spin her in the breeze I kick myself everyday That I didn’t fight To make that me