
Once there was a hand. The hand was set on top of what looks like it is either grass or nails. I don’t really know which one so I guess that is a mystery in the picture. In my opinion this hand is probably a girls hand but it could be some weird guys hand. Based off of the calluses on this hand this person has two kids and should live until she is 87 years old. She is probably around 5’6 or 5’7. She probably dropped her keys in the grass and she got delusional thinking she had picked them up but when she opened her hand they weren’t there. I also see a bandage on her arm. So either she does not have high pain tolerance or she is badly wounded. Based off of my observations it looks as if it was not severe because if it was she would probably have it wrapped up instead of a Band-Aid so I would say she probably Has a weak pain tolerance

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