Learning From Our Mistakes

Luck never seems to come my way

Lucky for me, it did today 

“Love and be humble, your dreams will come true.”

Lovely things are all I do

Lillies are pretty in the spring

Lilly thinks I’m bad at everything

“Learn to write, and learn to read”

Later I might, and this time I will succeed 

Literacy is not my power

Life will go on, take it by the hour

Leaders are confident. That’s what I’m missing

Let yourself change naturally, don’t go wishing…

Lilac purple is now in my hair

Little streaks of confidence everywhere

“Look at what you’ve begun

Look at the hair you’ve redone

Laughing starts up in the halls, aimed at me

Laptop screens show me as I flee

Let them be right, says my mind

Let them be wrong, and just be kind

Listen to Lilly’s good advice, 

Learn to love, and learn to be nice.

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