
Submitted by Eleanor

Alone, he stepped into the new world.

Write a story or poem starting with this sentence

New World

alone he stepped into the new world

an array of memories

a collage of brilliant colors

a footprint on the beach leading into the endless seas

he pushed one foot in front of the other

his eyes wide with wonder

the clouds above crackling with thunder

he stepped into the ocean

holding his head high

trying to keep from going under

he gave one look back and said goodbye

his heart filled with a new hunger

to swim farther then ever before

to take what was his to keep

there’s a huge world out there

but instead everyone is fast asleep

but he won’t stay at bay

because there’s not much left to say

and he isn’t the same person he was yesterday

so he takes one more step forward

and swims away

to the next adventure

to a new world

where everything will be okay

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