To get into Heaven you must first spend a day in Hell. The elevator taking you down is waiting for you.
Write a story or poem based on the characters predicament
The Boy, The Demon and The Elevator Operator
“I’m not doing it. No way.”
“You don’t have a choice. It’s a simple exchange: to atone for sin you must spend a day in Hell.” The elevator operator, who’s name tag I notice reads “Nathen” says with a shrug of his black cloaked shoulders.
“But it wasn’t even my fault! It was his!” I respond angrily, thrusting my finger in the direction of Rial.
The dark haired boy’s eyes glint and he focuses his red pupils on me. “It was your decision to make the deal, Pierce.”
“But it was you whole killed them!” I shout, feeling frustration bubble up in my chest like rising lava.
“I don’t care which one of you did it.” Nathen interrupts. “It’s God’s word that you atone. And no matter how much you blame the other, you still share the same physical body.” He nods at Rial’s translucent figure.
Rial growls. Turning his head away from us, he says, “So what you’re saying is that both of us are stuck in Hell for a day, since this dipshit-“ he motions at me, “-got us both killed.”
“Precisely, though from what I witnessed I believe it was your fault.” Nathen responds, a smirk forming on his scarred face. His eyes are covered by the shadowy hood of his cloak, but I can still feel them staring right at Rial.
I suddenly feel Rial’s offense like a wave. Anger and humiliation overtake him. I realize I need to stop him before he snaps again...!
“Rial, don’t-“ I start, but he cuts me off.
“Stay out of my emotions, Pierce!” he yells, spinning around and glaring at me. “You have no right to tell me what to do! If your stupid ritual hadn’t gone wrong, maybe both of us wouldn’t be in this situation!”
“Rial, I...” I swallow, suddenly nervous.
(I didn’t feel like writing anything else, sorry.)