'They did not live a happily ever after, not by a mile.'
Create a 500-word story that ends with this line.
Princess in Power
The princess was always known for attracting all the princes she met. She loved to lure them in, then break their hearts. Over and over, princes would warn each other to stay away from her, but the princes were just too intrigued not to try their luck. Every new man was just an opportunity to her—an opportunity to have some fun. Princess Cristina was a beautiful young lady, with deep blue eyes, and the softest light brown hair, which she often would tie into fancy braids. From a very young age, she was a persuasive creature. On her first day at private school, she had made many friends. During that time, her parents (king and queen) were trying to make alliances with a few other kingdoms. Cristina had convinced the children of the other kingdoms that her kingdom, named The Kingdom of Literra, was like a fairy tale land. One full of magic and happiness for everyone. The truth was, that her kingdom was nice, but very poor and small. They needed more allies in order to thrive. Little did Cristina's parents know, that their daughter was practically making those alliances herself.
Over the years, as Cristina grew up, her parents knew she would make a fine addition to the management of their kingdom. As princess of course, she always needed to be prepared for becoming queen. Although her parents were young and healthy, there was always a chance that something could happen to them. At age 15, Cristina was enrolled in a school for high class princesses. Literra had become home to quite a few important royal families, and her parents wanted to make sure that she was prepared to one day rule over them all. At the school, they were taught about the business industry, and how to stay at the top. They were also taught about the rules of being a Queen or King, compared to the rules of remaining a princess, prince, duke, or duchess. Cristina definitely wanted to be Queen one day. Although it might have seemed as if her parents were pressuring her into that position, Cristina cared about nothing if not power.
On Cristina's 16th birthday, her parents gifted her a diamond and jewel-crested crown. It belonged to the eldest daughter of the King and Queen of Literra, and had been gifted to the princess in every generation, on their 16th birthday. That was the day that Cristina became a woman, and a woman had to meet her man. Of course, their kingdom was now very wealthy and large, which made their princess very desirable. Cristina had never wished to marry, but her parents insisted she be married before the eve of her 18th birthday. This thought angered Cristina to the highest extent. How could her parents ever expect her to marry, if they intended for her to be Queen? With a husband, he would likely be positioned as King whether the throne was left to her or not. So, every month for the next 2 years, Cristina would start to see a prince. On the last day of their month together, she would sleep with a different prince. That would upset any current boyfriend too much to stay with her, but not make them hate her enough to get over her. She had practically every prince bowing down to her, begging and praying for her love. She never got back together with any prince, but she would lead them on as long as she could.
On the eve of her 18th birthday, Cristina's parents were extremely anxious. They told her that they wished she had married one of her princes. Cristina told them that she was prepared to be Queen, and that she'd make them proud, without a King leading by her side. They eventually felt reassured, and left her be. Cristina couldn't believe how submissive they'd acted with her. Her parents must've been horrid leaders. How could they be King and Queen of Literra if they were that easily manipulated?
"I can't let them destroy my kingdom before I take control. They can't be trusted to run this kingdom the way it should be," She whispered.
That night, the King and Queen were murdered. Nobody ever found out how or why, but Cristina became Queen of Literra on the day she turned of legal age; on the day of her 18th birthday. She never married, and she never kept anything consistent. Cristina never wanted to run Literra to the ground, the way her parents surely would have. But the kingdom and its people, they did not live happily ever after, not by a mile.