Write a poem exploring feelings of contentment and satisfaction.
While a large portion of poetry deals with difficult emotions; consider how you can express the opposite side of that.
What I Hate About Me
Glazed eyes looking in the wrong places, searching for my suffering in everyone else. All I had to do was dig deep, it was me all along, rotting my own heart and causing me to weep. But in all the turmoil felt through the years, and every curious thought about the strangers and their leers. It was me I hated most, not the one I held so close. I guess your wondering where’s the satisfaction in that? I asked myself too while all alone I sat. I gained the knowledge in knowing to hold those I love above all that exists because it is them that sticks by you and through all of life’s little twists. But if you deny them the loyalty and respect that is earned then it is you that is dealt the sad lesson to be learned. Contentment is knowing true love for all that it was worth, at least I have felt that before I leave this earth. To have those memories of a time that seemed to never be lost, it hurts like hell but at a once in a lifetime cost. I take back nothing and am forever grateful for the things you have taught me, you opened my eyes and gave me sight on everything I never again want to be. Thank you for your time and giving me your heart, I guess here’s to you and a fresh new start.