Under the Moss: Chapter 1

Something was going on.

I could tell from the nervous

twitching of her hands.

And from the look

in her eyes that said clearly:

I’m dying to tell you my secret, but I can’t.

Cammy was the only person in the whole wide world that I knew better then the back of my hand, we’d been best friends since preschool. And that was before the year.

“The year” was the only thing we practically never discussed.

It was that year that destroyed are lives but also brang us closer together, I had received my life changing news two days after Halloween, I was sleeping over at Cammy’s when they received there morning newspaper, on the front page there was the scene of a car crash. At the time I didn’t realize it was my dad because I had just seen him last morning before I came over, I was thinking about how hard it would be if my dad was the one in the car crash or the other way around and how hard that would be for my dad, losing me.

And that’s when I read his name.

I read it five times before it sunk in.

And then I started to cry.

No, crying couldn’t begin to explain my emotions then.

The next day I had moved all my stuff into Cammy’s house,

Until further notice.

There wasn’t anything else to do, my mother lived practically on the other side of the world and she didn’t have time with all her work to take care of me.

So that was that.

Marissa (Cammy’s mom) became my guardian, and then later in the year decided to become my adopted mother.

And then death struck again.

She got lung cancer.

She didn’t last long.

I comforted Cammy like she had comforted me when the same thing happened.

Now we’re everything we’ve got left and that’s what’s made us so close.

And that’s how 6 years later I can almost read her mind.

I threw the book I had bean reading and said

“Ok Cam, somethings going on and there’s no use trying to hide it!”

It was an outburst, it happened all the time.

I was one of those people who had no patience and were very…well, blunt.

“I’m not hiding anything.” Cammy said obviously hiding something.

I raised an eyebrow

“Okay! Maybe I am hiding something…but I can’t tell you.” She said looking away

“You can’t, or you won’t?” I say starting to worry about her.

“I’m…I’m not allowed to.”

“Cammy….you know you can tell me anything, right?” I say bending down so I’m eye level with her.

“I know, it’s just…. Kallista,” I raise my eyebrows for half a second, she never calls me by my full name, but I raise them further when she finishes her sentence.

“Kallista, I’m not human.”

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