Intangible. Softly. Avaricious.

Write a short story or poem including these 3 words exactly (do not change their tenses or forms). You do not have to use them in this order.

The Salons Nowadays

The way he spoke to her made me shiver, he uses big words to her like intangible, thinking she doesn’t know what it means, but he doesn’t know what she’s capable of, so she just lets him rant and rave. He will soon know again what it’s like to be with a woman, if he ever had been with one. As he plays a game with a now grown woman, she realizes how softly she strokes the heads of her clients at the shampoo bowl while drifting into thought. She takes her time with her clients because she’s not avaricious, she knows when to stop taking. She will even leave so she won’t take up all the people with them requesting her, she allows others to be like her, but they just turn out greedier and more avaricious the more she gives them.
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