Submitted by by Laura Melvin

"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!"

Write a scene or story which begins with this piece of speech.

Sunshine And Daisies

I think I just met the happiest person in the world! It was only a couple minutes ago when I left my house. My hair was disheveled, my clothes were rumpled, and I was peeling a banana in one hand. Shortly after I left I realized I’d left my keys inside. “Oh no,” I muttered to myself, since it was natural instinct that I locked my door.

Luckily, my spare key was under the doormat, so I grabbed that out, unlocked my door, and grabbed my car keys. I closed the door behind me, locked it again, and began walking towards my car when I heard, “No!”

I turned around to see a little boy sitting on the sidewalk. A couple of larger boys were crowded around him, and I assumed they’d shoved him. “Hey, back off,” I knocked through the older boys gently and knelt beside the little boy. “What’s your name?”

“Tommy,” the little boy answered brightly. “These are my friends!”

The older boys snickered, and my heart sank as I realized what these boys were going to put little Tommy through. “It’s nice to meet you Tommy, I’m Mr. Davis. Where are your parents?” I asked.

“My parents are away in Chicago. I don’t know where my gramma’s house is.”

I frowned. “Okay, Tommy. I know you’ve probably heard about bad people trying to kidnap you. I’m not a bad person. Will you sit right here while I call the police to help find your gramma?” I questioned.

Tommy nodded happily and fiddled with the drawstrings on his sweatshirt as I pulled out my phone and dialed. Ten minutes later, a policeman named Officer Josh was asking me what had happened. I explained how I had found him on the street with some bullies, and asked him where his parents were. He told me they were away, he couldn’t find his gramma, so on and so on.

“Well, Tommy,” Josh said, “We’re gonna go on a little field trip to the police station.”

Tommy’s face lit up with joy. His face broke into a huge smile.

An hour later, we found out that Tommy was delusional. His parents had died two weeks ago, leaving him with no relatives to care for him. His gramma had died three years ago, and his grandpa two years before that. I wanted the bright little boy to have a happy ending, so I adopted him. Two years later, we’re still happy, and my very life has been brightened by the boy who came upon me by accident.

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