The Lie That Keeps Yu Alive

It makes yu feel alive when yu feel that someone loves yu. Sometimes yu may feel like even the world loves yu. But when yu don’t realize real lies it could bite yu in the when that someone shows yu their true colors. It’s very sad to say but it ain’t no sugarcoating it tho cuz people be knowin what they doin. Love nowadays, is cooked. It’s just straight up burnt toast. It ain’t fresh, warm and red hearted nomo, dat shit is blacker than coal now it’s just gone bih. I’m these it’s best to stay single and regroup yourself. But it’s easy to take that the wrong way so ima just say two things yu can do while single. Stay single try things that you’ve never tried and workout and build up yo testosterone or stay single and fuk who yu wanna fuk. Yu really gotta be careful wit who fall in luv because it is so much shit that can end up happenin to yu mentally and physically. And what do I mean by that? Well obviously yo significant other can cheat on yu, abuse yu, gaslight yu, set yu up and the list goes on. Oh and I almost forgot about takin yo money. It’s really hard ta find somebody these days where yu love em so much that yu forget about signin that prenup. It’s easier ta tell somebody yu love em than to show for it. Because of the fact that we’re human beings we tend to believe wen someone says they luv when the chills come thru our bodies. But then when yu figure out they don’t luv yu Fr it’s hard ta believe that that’s who they really are. But things change and that’s the way it is.

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