Submitted by by Laura Melvin

"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!"

Write a scene or story which begins with this piece of speech.

Real Boy

“I think I just met the happiest person in the world!”

Clara, my little sister, shoves open my door and runs into my room. She leaps onto my bed, excitement bursting from her every pore. The biggest grin humanly possible is on her face.

“Really? Because I’m pretty sure that person is you right now,” I reply.

She flops backwards, arms outstretched. She shakes her head, still grinning.

“No way! Ryan is the most awesome guy ever! He is so enthusiastic about everything!” Clara sighs. “I think I love him a little bit.”

I smile at my younger sister’s antics. I remember the feeling of year five crushes, even now, 18 and working.

“Aww, Clara, that’s cute-“

“It’s not cute, it’s beautifully romantic!” She interjects, flourishing her hands. I giggle.

“So, what’s he like?” I ask.

Clara sighs deeply. “Well, he is tall, wavy brown hair, green eyes. He has these cute glasses, and the most beautiful-est smile in the world!”

“Is that so?”

“He loves sports, like me! And he is super nice, and-“

I listen to my sister ramble about Ryan, feeling happy for her.

“And he told me my hair looked nice! How sweet is that?”

“Pretty sweet!”

Then a worrying thought hit me. I remembered Clara coming home with stories of awesome friends and really cool teachers, but that was all they were. She had made them all up. I guessed she must be pretty lonely at school.


“Yeah?” She answers chirpily.

“Remember Molly? And Leah?” I ask, listing the names of her imaginary companions.

“Uh huh.”

“Clara, is Ryan real?”

She stood there quietly for a moment, before saying confidently “yes!”

I shake my head. “Clara, I don’t believe you. You know what mum says! Don’t tell lies!”

She puts on the puppy dog eyes. “I’m telling the truth! He’s real!”

“How do I know you’re not lying?”

We broke into a squabble, yelling above each other and arguing defiantly at each other. We are interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I step away from Clara.

“I’ll get it,” I say. “But this argument isn’t over.”

I walk downstairs and open the door. Standing there, much to my surprise, is a tall, young boy with wavy brown hair, green eyes and cute little round glasses.

“Hi, I’m Ryan!” He says. “Is Clara home?”

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