Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.

"Your time is up. Better run!"

Write a story that contains this line of speech anywhere within.

Marks In The Mud

The sounds of monsters running behind me through the darkness made my stomach churn.

The leaves crunching and twigs breaking under heavy wild steps were the only things I could hear.

“You’re time is up, Better Run!” An eerily excited voice blared throughout the vicinity sending a shiver down my spine.

The thin sneakers I thought was a good idea to wear in the rain quickly sunk into the thick mud and filled with liquid in the trench I lied in.

Bright lights ran through the darkness followed by human sized shadows.

“There’s marks in the mud!” A low rough voice yelled out before a booming siren rang out.

Weighing my options as the blinding lights grew larger my body completely froze before everything went black once again tonight.

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