You never believed in astrology, until your horoscopes started getting incredibly specific, and always coming true...

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Unsuspected Findings

'Virgo: Prepare for a new beginning this weekend, and don't be scared of the change that is inevitable.'

I refrain myself from snorting out loud as my eyes read over the text; this is the third time today I have seen these zodiac posts and it's honestly becoming hilarious at this point. I don't even read horoscopes and they come up everywhere on my instagram feed. The train makes a jolt and I lean forward before hurrying to place my hand on the grab handle above me, apologising quietly to the people around me when they give me annoyed looks from my accidental nudge. It's a late Friday afternoon and I'm heading back from university, a two hour lecture resting heavily on my shoulders as my back aches with the reminisce of being hunched in a chair for a two hours, typing. There's nothing more that I want to do right now but to have a long bath and to drop into bed and fall into an eternal sleep. If only.

My thumb scrolls up along the phone laying in my hand, my eyes scanning each post I come by before either continuing my scrolling or double clicking, my eyes read over the many cat posts I see (which I'm not complaining about), some memes, foo- and another horoscope are you kidding me!?

I frown at the screen, pulling it closer to read the words under Virgo as curiosity somehow gets the better of me. 'Change is on the way! Don't run from it.' Seriously?! Another change one! I scoff, locking and dropping my phone into my coat's pocket. The train slows to a stop as I hear my station get called out.

My Sunday night is filled with loud, overbearing music and disgusting sweaty bodies stuck in one room. My mind a haze with the linger of alcohol and exhaustion as I try my best to get through the dancing bodies desperate to reach my best friend who disappeared once she said she was going dancing. I want to go home, and there's no way I'm leaving here without my drunk best friend (and roommate) to walk with.

More sweaty people push against me as I become desperate to get out of here with all of this suffocation, yet my best friend is nowhere to be seen and mentally prepare my lecture for when I find out she left without me. I curse under my breath, I'm in the middle of this dance floor and she is no where. I sigh, turning and pushing my way back to my seat at the bar, ordering one more drink before pulling out my phone calling my friend another time. Suddenly I feel a presence next to me and I glance at the person who has seated themselves on my right. My eyes freeze as I register the said man, a nauseous feeling dropping through my stomach as they give me a warm smile.

My ex.

And suddenly I want to run.

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