
Write a poem forgiving someone who hurt you or your character.

I Am Human

I am human.

What you did was unforgivable.

You stabbed me in the back.

But one of us needs to be the bigger person.

That’s why I am removing that knife from my back.

No one deserves to go through what I did.

But I ended up with the better life.

It changed me.

I’m happier. Smarter. Braver. Stronger. Things you will never be.

I’m not forgiving for you.

I’m forgiving for me.

To be able to move on with my life.

I’m not saying what you did didn’t hurt me. Emotionally and physically.

I am only human.

But I am removing that knife in my back and throwing it away.

That way it can’t hurt anyone else.

I forgive you. But for my sake. Not yours.

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