You are stuck in a room with a psychopath who wants to kill you. You have 5 minutes to convince them otherwise.

Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.


“I can tell already that you want to kill me. I know this is the part where I’m supposed to beg for my life. I know I should list all the reasons i have to live to convince you not to kill me; a family, a passion, a spouse.”

Jane paused for a moment, That’s right isn’t it? She thought. Those were the three things people always listed when their life was at the mercy of another wasn’t it? It’s a shame I can’t use any of those as leverage, she lamented to herself.

“I know that’s how it’s supposed to work, its what the movies tell you right? Well I refuse to pretend. Lies are what got me into this mess so maybe the truth will end it.” Jane’s fingers began trembling, and her breathing became unsteady.

“The truth is I don’t have anything to live for and I want to kill me too.”

Jane exhaled and inhaled deeply, listening to the tell tale sign that she was still alive, she had wanted to say that for years.

“People often wondered what broke me, my reply always and forever will be that I was lied to one too many times.” “You’re a diamond in the rough, all’s well swell that ends well, laughter is the best medicine, time heals all wounds.” Well looks can be deceiving, some things never end, laughter can be fake, and time is just as cruel as the wounds they’re meant to cover”

Her body slumped over with relief and her mind went blank, she’d given up and was ready for the end. Jane turned to face her soon to be murderer and was immediately pulled through her stupor. She was staring straight into an all too familiar pair of eyes, a harsh blue but cold and dead, positioned on her own face with a glaring hunger for death without remorse.

Author’s note: I’m fine, i do not relate to this character at all!

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