Your protagonist's superpower is being able to understand someone's current emotions just by looking at them. One day, they meet a person who expresses an emotion they've never encountered before...

Write about your protagonist trying to decipher what this emotion is.

The best and worst superpower.

when you tell me you love me,

i have the power to know you really meant it

it all connects to give me signs.

your smile, your voice, your heart beating faster.

it’s good to know what you’re actually feeling.

then i dont have to keep guessing.

this is a relationship’s dream right?

but when the love starts fizzling out,

i don’t need the signs to tell me you don’t feel the same.

your smile is forced, your voice is annoyed, your heart is at a normal pace.

this power already tells me what i dread to know.

that you don’t love me anymore.

you can repeat the words “i love you” like a spell to try to enchant me again.

it won’t work. i know how you really feel about me.

you’ve lost all love for me.

i think to myself, “isn’t it better to know instead of acting like everything is normal?”

it is to an extent.

i don’t face fake love anymore.

but i hate the fact that my love for you is still true.

i wish you could’ve stayed in love.

i wish you loved me.

i wish you would tell me this power is lying to me.

but you can’t.

it’s best i don’t see you anymore to escape your true hatred toward me for leaving.

my power tells me what i need to know, just not at the right time.

i wasn’t ready to let go of you, but my power was.

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