“The knife belongs to me.”

Create a single dramatic scene which starts with this line of speech.

The Deep Sea

“The knife belongs to me!”I blurted, unable to contain my frustration in any longer we are all stuck on this little piece of land because of ME! But the worst part is they were treeting me like a princess and my crush like garbage but that all changed that day… January 4th 9:03 in the morning . All I could see is the BLACK DARK sea “I’m a monster” I said with terror in my eyes . All they said was well honey your NOG a monster but we are not going to put up with your SHIT no more go to sleep no maid will be drying your sleeping bag tonight do it yourself and with that I tried to fell asleep it was so icy out my bed froze it surprisingly smelt like flowers the red roses my mother used to sing me a song it was call red roses she made it up it went a little something like “ Red roses red roses the little pretty flowers red roses red roses I like the red roses there’s white ones there’s pink one there’s even pretty blue one but I like the red ones hahahahahaha, ha” I sang loud and proud everybody woke up the captain of the troup said that is a really awesome song could you sing it again? I sad sure I would love to so I sang it again and again and again until everybody until me and my crush were the only ones he said hi I say hey we both blushed it was getting really hot and awkward in that little spot

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