
“Princess Madeleine, to what do I owe this pleasure?” questioned Princess Ophelia in a sweet tone. I must be interrupted her tea time, seeing the fact that she was sipping tea on the balcony.

“Oh for the sake of heaven, drop the niceties, Ophelia,” I warned. “Where is Elliot?”

Obviously, I struck a nerve because Ophelia’s face morphed into one of disgust, “I can not seem to find a reason why you would want to see MY husband. Perhaps you should go back home.”

“He is not your husband!” I yelled, “You made the witch cast a spell on all the kingdoms to forget Elliot and I were ever married.”

Ophelia stood up so fast it caught me off guard. She marched her way towards me, sized me up, then slapped me. “How dare you accuse me of such things? You are simply a jealous pig.”

Before I could slap her back, Elliot entered the room. I was captivated by how he looked, his lovely brown curls looked softer than ever. Oh, I would give up my kingdom to run my hands in his hair.

“Darling, do you know where I put my AirPods? I could have sworn that they were here just a moment ago.” He glanced up from his phone and realized I was in the room too, “Princess Madeleine, what are you doing here?”

Before I could say a word, Ophelia quickly answered the question for me, “She was just leaving. Weren’t you Madeleine?”

“I was looking for you Prince Elliot,” I said urgently.

“And why is that?” he asked with a slight frown on his face. We have not talked since we shared a kiss at the ball.

“Do you trust me?” I questioned, handing him the potion to restore his memory. The fairy told me that if Elliot and I remember the past, so will everyone else.

He took the vile with caution. He gave me a skeptical glance, and without further questioning, he drank it.

“No!” shrieked Ophelia, making her way to Elliot, “Why on earth would you drink it, you absolute idiot.”

Elliot gave her a steely look, “Because I trust Madeleine.” Right after he said that, his eyes glazed over.

“What have you done to him?” demanded Ophelia, “You ugly wretch, you just had to come here and ruin everything. Guards, arrest her at once.”

The guards were about to place the cuffs on my wrists, when Elliot yelled, “Let her go right this second.”

“Why?” whined Ophelia, latching onto his arm.

Elliot gave her a disgusted glance, then yanked his arm away. “Because I love her, not you.”

Ophelia paled significantly at his words, she started backing up, “No, you love me, your wife.”

Elliot let out a humourless laugh, “As if I would ever marry someone like you willingly.” He turned to look at me, “Something you don’t understand Ophelia is that Madeleine and I have a sealed future together. There is no spell that can change that.”

“Oh for the love of God,” she exclaimed, her true colours shining, “There is no way you believe all that mumbo jumbo Madeleine had been spewing.”

Elliot did not even waste his breath on her, he just started kissing me like his life depended on it. Before things could get too heated, Elliot snapped his fingers at the guards, “As your future king, I demand you to arrest Princess Ophelia.”

“My goodness,” I chuckled, “Karma really is something indeed.”

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