Write a speech that you would deliver to your first love, if given the chance.

From your own perspective or that or a character, write about how the relationship felt, how it changed you, and what you might say to them now if you met again.

Not Yet

Heyyyyyy! I know we haven’t met yet but I hope you know that I’ve been thinking about you a lot. I hope that one day even when you move out that when you go off with your friends you still call your parents and say, “I made it home safe.” I pray that I can find you in a church pew on Sunday morning and Wednesday night, but that between those days you still praise the Lord. I hope that you know that your sweatshirts and hoodies are also my sweatshirts and hoodies. Some days I’ll get a song stuck in my head but it’s not stuck in my head because it’s catch, it’s stuck in my head because it reminds me of you. I need you to always be there for me but if you made it this far with me then you’ve probably already helped me through a lot. I hope you have big plans but not too big, you got to remember I’m just a small town girl. I hope people can see that I’m yours just by the way look at me, you big beautiful eyes, softened every time you see me. You always know what to say to get my attention not to many people can do that but out of all of them that have tried I only found you. I hope you know your a great guy especially if my dad let us get together, by that point we are further ahead then I ever thought we would be. I hope you love me as much as I love you. I hope you know I found you even before I was looking for you. I hope you know God gave me you for a reason. I hope you know that you look for the good in others but I see the best in you. I hope I can always count on you, because me without you just doesn’t add up. I love you and I hope you know that.
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