Write a story that takes place entirely in a ballroom, but not during a ball.
Set the action in a ballroom. It could be present day during a visit, historical, or maybe something magical happened that took your characters there?
More Than Blood (Part 14)
(I think I’ll only be posting two more parts and then I might stop regularly posting for this series. I will probably post stories within this universe though, but I don’t want the ‘pressure’ to post all the ideas I have. The pressure is entirely from myself.)
Dancing with Thorne made up for all the dances with the random men who she didn’t know but was expected to agree to marry. She knew the inevitable would come eventually. That didn’t mean she couldn’t hold it up as long as she could. Enjoy the little time she had left with Thorne.
One of the worst parts about this betrothal situation was that Thorne was assigned her lifetime guard. Once she picked someone that she could maybe tolerate for the rest of her life, Thorne would still be there every day. She would long for him and he would long for her in silence.
She loved Thorne and was in love with him.
“Princess Cove, I appreciate granting me a dance,” Thorne said. She sighed at the formality when they were in public. Dancing with her was indulgent on his part. Otherwise he did nothing for himself.
She curtsied, “It was my pleasure.”
“We have garnered much attention. Perhaps we danced for longer than we should have,” his voice just above a whisper.
“These are what keeps me going at galas, Thorne. I don’t want to dance with anyone else.” He smiled, taking her hand and bowed to kiss it. His lips barely brushed her knuckles.
“I either, Princess Cove, but that was not the life we were given.” Duty to the royal family meant a lot to him. As a knight, it was ingrained in his values. He would never cross that line even if his heart yearned for her.
He leaned forward and murmured directly in her ear, “Maybe one day, a princess with her guard will be normal and accepted. I can only hope we see those days.” His breath tickled the shell of her ear.
“One day,” she echoed.
“Do you want me to get your cloak ready?” He asked. She nodded her head. After galas, she made it a tradition to go for a walk and decompress after the evening’s events.
She watched his figure leave the room. “One day,” she said to herself.
“Covelle, how is the gala going for you?” Louisa had walked up beside her so silently, she didn’t hear her approach. “Oh it’s fine, Louisa. Just like all the others.”
“You know, I never see you as happy on the dance floor as when you move with Thorne. That boy is quite handsome, isn’t he?” Louisa knew exactly what she was doing. Acknowledging the close bond they have without saying it directly. “It isn’t even his looks that made me fall for him. If it were, I would have fallen a long time ago.”
“It was not always romantic then?” Louisa asked. “I have a duty to my parents and my people. There will never be anything more than a platonic, professional relationship.” It must have been the robotic way she recited the line that she recounted often because Louisa did not buy it.
“Covelle! Do not say such nonsense to me. I have watched you grow up. I know you as much as your mother does.”
Cove could never get anything past Louisa. “I’ve always loved him but I wasn’t always in love. In the past couple of years, whatever we are has developed.”
“I have liked that boy since the beginning. I knew even back when you were children that you would be great friends. I was the one who selected Thorne.” When Cove didn’t say anything, she added, “with your mother and father’s approval, of course.”
While Cove knew Louisa suggested a personal guard to be raised with her, she had no clue that she had picked him. “I’m expected to marry a royal. It is law.”
“Yes, those silly rules.” Louisa opened her mouth but closed it, like she thought better of what she was about to say. “I expect you to be with who you love, if that counts for anything.”
This woman from the beginning of Cove’s life had been an important figure. Her parents took Louisa’s suggestions seriously and they usually got carried out. The Royal children learning defense and training? Louisa’s suggestion. Person guard for Cove? Louisa. She’s always been there.
“Oh Louisa, it does. You have raised me and my siblings alongside my parents. You are our honorary second mother.” A softness passed over her face. “You are my children. All of you.” Her expression, so tender and full of emotion. Eyes glazed over. Cove took her hand. “Louisa, you have inspired me so much, in more ways than you know.”
Louisa started to respond but Cove couldn’t hear any of the words.
Boots stomping on the hard floor filled her ears. A sound she knew. When Gen taught her and her siblings defense, the large formations of Allaver’s soldiers marched and it sounded similar. While that stomping was disciplined and orderly, this was chaos.
“Louisa, what’s happening?” Cove asked, seeing befuddled expressions on everyone’s faces.
“Covelle, you need to go now.” Louisa didn’t look confused or afraid. Neutral like nothing strange will happen.
Cove found her siblings’ gazes. Hale already unsheathed her blade and so had Amerie. Both glinting under the glimmering light.