
Dear beautiful woman,

I know it feels as though the whole world is on your shoulders.

I know you feel helpless.

I know you are longing for attention.

For someone to notice you, to love you.

I know your worst fear is for someone else to abandon you.

I know you feel insecure.

I know life seems out of control.

I know your head and heart are a mess.

And the stress tops all that mess.

I feel the pain in your tears, when the blood drips from the fresh cut you just made.

If only you could see yourself through others eyes.

You are so much more than you know you are.

If only you appreciated that body you rocked, the scars you made, they just tell your story.

If only you could see the future I see now.

This girl I speak about, is the old version of me.

She is a Phoenix.

A warrior.

You see, life got too much and she departed this earth.

But just when everyone thought she had fallen.

She picked herself up.

And just like the phoenix burning inside her, she rose from the ashes.

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