Writing Prompt
Write a poem that centers around a woman.
The woman can be anyone you choose, ficitional or real. Is it a family member? A role model? Your favourite character? Or one of your own characters?
I am gone like the wind passing me by Far from the other side watching me cry
A heart that beat at four a heart leading me to an open door
As I’m walking pass by trying not to cry you’ll ask if I’m okay but I’ll just say I’m jus fine
Let me be leave me alone I don’t wanna be bothered I want to be on my own
Running in circles while losing my mind a light flashes before my eye while I’m watching the time
It goes really fast and even slow to I don’t see where I’m going I don’t even kno what to do
Therefore as I speak you should let me be not even let me be but just set me free
The piece to have the peice to fall the piece that break down like a little girl on her own
Immortal Currently
Her skin was soft and smooth With a constellation of stars That dipped between her shoulder blades And splayed fortunes down her spine.
Like burning paper She curled beneath fingertips that singed her turquoise skies.
They yearned to steal the stars that adorned her skin for stars were currency to the Gods.
Guests of honor
She walks in the room past fears as if they were old but familiar friends. Past guilt, regrets, and even failures. With so much determination she makes it to the other side of the room without breaking a sweat. She takes her seat at the head of the table, and invited them all to sit…because even pain should be acknowledged.
Run (fiction)
I wanted to run, Alone and free, There’s one and only one Person here, and that’s me.
True, I’m on the woman’s team, I’m a star athlete, But I have a dream, That’ll come true once my job’s complete.
I’ll start running races, No more uniforms or balls, No more nervous faces, Just running in the halls.
Blitz poem
Long hair Long fingers Fingers with nails Fingers that are lithe Lithe and graceful Lithe like a dancer Dancers that spin Dancers that twirl Twirl in circles Twirl around Around and around Around the town Towns stopped Towns frozen Frozen because of her Frozen solid Solid and stable Solid and beautiful Beautiful like the sky Beautiful and pretty Pretty blue eyes Pretty red hair Hair that is silky Hair that is smooth Smooth like butter Smooth and slick Slick and slippery Slick and clean Clean and shimmering Clean black coat Coat that is black Coat that is long Long and velvety Long, down to her ankles Ankles of a stallion Ankles covered by heels Heels that clack Heels that poke Poke the ground Poke the carpet Carpet that is red Carpet that is fluffy Fluffy like her hair Fluffy like a dog Dogs and cats Dogs on leashes Leashes that control Leashes that tie Ties in her hair Ties on her wrists Hair... Wrists...
To The Grave
Eyes a cold stoned blue You raised me from little to now who I am My gratefulness for you is very true When you’d try to wake me up, I didn’t give a damn.
Pushed me to my limits everyday When I was young, I screamed and shouted I wanted nothing more than for you to never stay Every time I hear about my past doings, it’s something Ive doubted
Since birth, my mother you’ll be Even in the grave, you’re still my mom When you pass, I’ll promise to spread your ashes across the sea Some days I’ll cry, others I’ve promised you, I’d stay calm.
The beginning was a little argument. Dishes, dog walks, drawers left open. He said....she said.... the banter becoming personal and wordy, the argument growing and spiraling and bigger than either intended Bare teethed and ugly, ancient hurts old grudges.
She remembered him yelling He saw her tears and drama. Both shut down, closed up, went upstairs and feigned sleep.
2 a.m. she woke clutching the left mattress edge, his back presented to her, and a wide expanse of sheets and covers, a wall built between them made of all the heavy words spoken and mortared with their anger .
In the distance, louder in the black quiet of night, the train whistle, the warning, the quick thought of escape. Her dream of somewhere else, a fantasy, a life away.
But she rolled over, reached out, spooned against him and took down the wall and built a bridge with an arm draped across him.
He found her hand and laced their fingers, cementing the bridge.
The train moved on, the lonely whistle a memory, and there was sleep and there was forgiveness and there were no more thoughts of escape on either side of the bed.