superpowers and love

“I was just trying to be what you wanted,” she says, with her eyes lowered and her face red. She knew it wasn’t a good idea and yet she did it and now she wants to jump into a hole and die. She’d rather face death than this embarrassment.

“You’ve always been what I’ve wanted,” he whispers seductively as he runs his finger over her cheek. His eyes are fixed on her far too revealing dress, a smile creeping onto his lips. She gasps as she realizes that he’s holding it all back, resisting the urge to do something to her. To do something unspeakable.

Maybe the dress wasn’t such a bad idea after all, she thinks as he inches closer. His face is almost at hers as she slowly backs away, matching his pace. She gulps down the saliva she forgot had been building up in her mouth because she’d been too busy looking at him.

“Don’t run away from me, love.” He lets the last word barely come out of his mouth and lets out a breath. She feels the heat on her face, eyes wide as she tries to take another step back but hits the wall instead. Good thing his hand was there, ready to cup her head before it hits the brick. He’s such a sweetheart, she thinks.

“My dear, what I want to do to you is anything but sweet,” he says as his other hand grazes her skin, reaching for the single string holding the whole dress together. Oh yeah. He can read minds. Forgot about that part. He grins as he whispers into her ear, “If you let me, of course.”

Before he gets an answer the lights go dark—she controls electricity—and her mouth is on his, her hands are on his body, and her dress is on the floor.

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