
These are some strange things that my mother asked me to bring. My mom would usually ask me to bring her some food and not items. Now what would my mom want with these things?

The first item on the list is rope. A long piece of rope. It’s quite thick as well, so thick I can barely rip it or make any cut with it. I wonder if those construction workers use them for their jobs. Alas this is just one thing that my mother asked me to get her. The next one is quite strange.

Up next is a piece of cloth. I don’t know why my mom would ask to bring her a piece of cloth. She already has a bunch of towels and blankets. She specifically asked me to bring her the small cloth. A rope and a piece of cloth. Wonder what she could be planning with this?

What if my mom is a construction worker? That piece of cloth is for her to wipe her head. That rope could be used to hold her up for a while. Then again, mom isn’t the type of person to work outside. That’s all dad’s doing.

There’s still one more item in the bad. A bottle of those alcoholic medicine things. I don’t really know what it’s called but it contains the word, hydrogen, I believe. This is very strange. Why would mom ask me this.

Wait, rope, cloth, and alcoholic medicine? I think I know what’s going on now.

My mom barged into the kitchen. She looked at me, grabbed the stuff, and left. I decided to follow her only to find out one problem.

The stuff that brought her? It seems that I was right. She was using them on herself.
