Your are a college student fawning over your professor during a lecture. Create a poem that is a series of doodles and unrequited phrases about your emotions.
how unfortunate
as his hand motions at the board
as his hair is swept back because of the vent
as i stare
/mrs dean/
i think dreamily
hearts pepper the corners of my pages
words scrawled on the side
i love you, mr dean
i giggle silently when he smiles
he locks eyes with me and i pretend to take notes
when really,
i’m doodling his face
cursive swirling
mr dean’s name is everywhere on everything
i can’t turn it in like this
and so my eraser rubs the paper
and the graphite fades
and as it does
my heart cracks along with it
for i know
we will never be
(since it’s technically illegal)
and i know he won’t wait for me
(since he technically has a family)
how unfortunate
he’s gay.