Create a scene depicting the approach of a thunderstorm, without mentioning the sky.

What other elements feel different when a storm is approaching?

Watch Out

“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6”

Oliver counted in his head as he hopped from one square to the other. Hopscotch was his favorite game. He didn’t have many friends, he preferred to play alone even though his mother tried to encourage him to play with other kids. He simply had not interest in it.

He picked the small pebble back up and tossed it once again. it hit the ground a couple times before landing on the number 8. He began to hop his way to the 8th square “1, 2, 3, 4, 5,” His balance was thrown off by the large gust off wind that pushed him with his. The small boy didn’t have time to react as he fell onto the concrete, scraping the fragile skin on his knee. His face scrunched when he looked down at the scab, small droplets off blood ran down to his ankle. His eyes stayed fixated on the scrape, deciding wether to cry or be tough. His father always told him to be strong but his mother debated that, telling him it’s ok for boys to cry.

A clear driblet from above landed on his leg, splattering on the small line of blood making it wash out. The boy looked at the ground, his shadow disappearing didn’t go unnoticed. He slowly looked up, completely forgetting about his knee as he watched the big blue lose its color, turning dark and grey. He didn’t need to squint anymore from the brightness since the sun slowly got covered by the heavy clouds. More droplets started to fall, the hopscotch drew from chalk slowly dissolving.

“Oliver! Come inside honey!” The boy’s mother shouted from the front door, slightly panicking. He didn’t listen, he kept looking up top curiously. A loud cracking boom attacked his ear drums, large streaks of lightning in the clouds accompanying the horrifying sound. He had seen rain before, but not like this. Oliver shrieked sad covered his ears, running to his mother at the door. He immediately went into her arms for comfort. Even though his clothes were damp, his mother reciprocated the hug and wrapped her arms around him tightly. “You should’ve come in when I told you to!” She scolded lightly. He whined. “I was trying to be brave!” He protested stubbornly, still holding on to his mother tightly. She sighed, remembering he is just a boy after all. She kissed the top of his head “Well, brave boys listen to their mothers.” She smiled.

This is literally my first story I’ve written ever😭 I hope it’s good, I love all feedback !! :)

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