by Digitonaut @ DeviantArt

Write a story about the inhabitant of this house.
Child Of Green
My earliest memory is arriving. I was a poor five year old girl, starving, and sick. I had walked for miles looking for shelter. Rain drenched me. Tears streamed down my face. I remember giving up, accepting that that might me my last day. I layed down in a muddy meadow, my hand reached for my Mother’s necklace.
Closing my hand around it I whispered. “I’m sorry I failed Mum.” I took a shaky breath, and closed my eyes. The feeling was almost welcoming. A dark void filled with nothing but quiet peace.
“Oh poor child.” I said sadly. I brushed the little girls brown hair. “You were taken too soon.” I picked up the drenched girl in my arms, and carried her to my cottage. I closed the green door quietly.
My snow white cat jumped onto my work table and meowed at me. “There’s no time Cotton.” I said as I layed the girl on my small couch. “Cone on Cotton we have no time to lose.” Cotton meowed in agreement.
I rushed around my cottage grabbing several plants. Mashing them in a bowl I sprinkled in one last ingredient. Closing my eyes I said a small prayer. “Oh please Mother Nature, let me heal this poor soul.”
With a deep breath I poured the mixture into the girls mouth. Her long brown hair turned green, and her eyes went from blue to the deepest green of the forest.
I woke up with a big cough. I looked around, I was inside a small cottage, it was filled to the brim with plants. A strand of hair fell into my face. I stared at it in shock. My hair was green!
“I’m so glad it worked!” A voice said from near me. I turned towards the voice and saw a middle aged woman. She had beautifull black hair and green eyes.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“You can call me Ren.” The woman said. “Who are you?”
“My name is Fern.”
“Well Fern your safe here, feel free to stay with me as long as you like.”
(9 years later)
“Ren I’m heading out!” I shouted at the door.
“Do me a favor and take Cotton out with you!” Ren replied.
“K.” I picked up the fluffy cat and raced out the door. Once I got to town I entered the small book store.
“Welcome in little lady.” A man said from behind a counter.
“I’m looking for a specific book, do you have it?” I asked.
“Let me guess, you’re looking for this.” The man held up a book with a worn cover.
“That’s it!”
A crooked smile spread across the mans face showing the gaps in between his teeth.
“Come with me.” He said. Cotton followed behind me as I followed the man.
He opened a door.