I Should Have

I should have tried harder to stop him. I shouldn’t have let him go out that night, and maybe we wouldn’t be here. I should have known that his stupid pranks would eventually anger the wrong person and it would all go downhill. There wasn’t much more I could to though. I told him that not everyone thought that they were funny, but he didn’t listen, and he paid the price. I can say that he deserved it. However, I know he also deserved a second chance, but i guess not everyone gets one. That harmless girl that just happened to be in his way definitely didn’t get a second chance. But it’s not her fault. My brother stopped being himself a long time ago. Because the brother I knew wouldn’t do those monstrous things without guilt. Now that i’m thinking about it, I do know what I should have done. I should have stopped him myself, forced him to think, before things got too out of hand. But, I shouldn’t dwell on what should have been, there’s nothing I can do now. The only thing I can do is keep moving forward and away, and maybe one day I can come to terms with this. Or maybe not.

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