Dear you,
Knowing you, you are probably wondering who would reach out to you this way, but deep down I think you know who this is from. I find writing letters much easier than texting, plus it gives a sense of mystery. It was definitely easier to write this on paper, trust me, i’ve tried hundreds of times. Some part of me hopes that maybe, you’ve tried too, but the rational part knows better. I have so many questions that I hope i finally can ask you. How is that great fancy job in New York City going? I’m very interested if it was worth giving up your entire life for. Do you still listen to that one song every morning, right when you wake up? You would be surprised to learn that I now have that tradition too. Maybe that’s pathetic, but it also reminds me of you. Hopefully someday we can see each other again. No, not hopefully. I need to see you again, to look you right in the eye and ask you. “How could you leave us? Leave everything for that matter.” I’m really pouring my heart out here, so you better respond. Anyway, I look forward to seeing that weird scrolly writing that I used to always make fun of.
Dear me,
You are right. I knew immediately who was writing when i saw your stubby writing. I still do not get why you couldn’t have just texted or called, but that was always you. You always did stuff that didn’t make sense to me, like taking such care of that small child that you weren’t even related to. Sometimes, when I have time to think, I think about that. Well, not that in particular, but you in general. I know that you meant it sarcastically when you asked about my job, but i’ll tell you anyway. It has been going great, in fact I just got promoted to senior manager this week. This would upset you, I know. You never did quite get me and all of my ambitions. Remember, you used to ask me “You know that you will never achieve everything you want, so why don’t you just slow down and enjoy life a little.” Upon rethinking this, there might be some truth in that statement, but you know me. I’m never satisfied. Anyway, I would enjoy seeing you. If you would like, I could fly you out to meet me, maybe next month? I know that you never like using my money, but think of this as a gift. Let me know.
Lots of love,