A Moment in the Middle of the Night

A moment in the middle of the night.

Where I catch you sleeping.

I watch you for a while, or more like I can’t take my eyes off

Your beauty.

The moonlight is dancing across your face, mixing with your dreams, and you’re doing that thing again where you twitch.

Your hair has fallen across your face, covering your eyes, but

I know that

If you opened them now, I would still be stuck in your blue gaze,

Like a deer in headlights.

Your hand is clutching mine, because even in sleep we’d miss each other.

Although your eyes are closed, and your breathing quiet, you have shown me

Love, safety, tenderness.

You have shown me that whatever our souls are made of,

Yours and mine are the same.

As I fall asleep,

I wish for a million more

Moments like this.

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