Submitted by Norris Reynolds

Create a scene where an older person offers advice to a younger person.

Whether they are relaying an important message, or the advice is more light-hearted, think about how this interaction might go.

Sickeningly Sweet Sun

(Picture a grumpy old man, and 19 year old boy)

With your still-shining eyes

Which I cannot look into

The glow that I can no longer find in myself

The spark I once had

The spark you hold in your heart

So much so it cannot be contained there

Showering your sparks upon the rest of us

So sickeningly sweet

Not even I was this sweet

And full of life

I wish I was still like you

Yet at the same time

Through all I have loved

All that I have lost as well

I have learned everything that makes me special

I like the sourness that comes with age

These wrinkles and lines cannot be made

Without the experiences

And tragedies I have seen

You live with spirit and joy

But are oblivious

Your shine blocks your view

When I met you

You were a spark of sun

In a world of pain

You were too old to act foolish

You were too young for this line of work

You didn’t let that slow you

Your still-shining eyes blinding you

From anything too harsh

Or too dangerous

From the real world

The real line of work you signed up for

You never let that stop you

You shined

So bright

Even the sun was jealous

You let your still-shining eyes

And sickeningly sweet smile

Get ahead of yourself

You couldn’t see the dark

And danger in front of you

Didn’t your parents ever tell you what to do

When a stranger wants you to do something

That you know is bad

Didn’t your parents ever tell you what to do

When someone wants you to do something

That they warned you about

I’ll teach you

Do not succumb to peer pressure

It can be the last decision you will make

How could you know

You were too old to be foolish

But too young to leave your pride

And your spark behind

You shined

So bright

Even the sun was jealous

The sun doesn’t take well to jealousy

You shined

Too bright

The sun winced at your sweetness

Too pure even for the sun

The dark and danger in front of you

That had been blocked from your view

Was a black hole of a man

Sent by the Sun

Sent to dull your spark

You fed into the lies

Which were twisted and turned by your spark

Your inability to see the truth

The real danger in front of you

A lie

Twisted into a fantasy

One with pride

And acceptance

You took it as soon as you could

Got pulled into this black hole of a man

Sent by the Sun

Sent to dull your spark

What in this world isn’t

I can’t help but feel that I met you too late

I taught you what I could

It was too late

You lost your spark

Your shine

Your sweetness

You were a shell of the kid I knew before

I can’t help but feel that I fed into this black hole

I gave a part of myself aswell

Too many breaths wasted on that shell of a man

A shell of a man who once shined bright as well

Taken over by greed

Twisted and disfigured

Into a black hole of a man

You didn’t deserve this

You didn’t need to give up your spark

To make me proud

I miss the sparky kid I knew before

You became so dull

So serious

So dead

I could not bear to see you like this

I had to let you go

There was no saving this spark

Some sparks cannot be rekindled

I thought you were useless before

Thought you were too bright for your own good

I was sort of right

You weren’t too bright

In the sense that you weren’t enough

You were too bright

In the sense that you couldn’t see what was ahead

You let your kindness obscure your view

You weren’t useless

I should have told you that more

I miss the sunshine you had before

A sequel to my Daisuke🌺 poem

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