The Sad Little Corpse

I didn’t really stick with the prompt, but it goes with the picture. 🤷‍♀️


The sad little corpse,

Standing in the rain.

Maybe tomorrow,

He will try again.

He’s been looking,

Every day for a friend.

But everyone screams,

Runs away in the end.

For years and years,

He’d wander streets,

Shyly waving to all

The people he meets.

As the long day ends,

He feels even lonelier.

He’s been ostracized

Because of Man’s fear.

The sad little corpse,

Standing in the rain.

Maybe tomorrow,

He will try again.

Or maybe he won’t.

What if he’s sick of it?

All they do is judge,

And then leave in a fit.

He’s more than a scare,

He’s got feelings too.

But cruel little humans,

Can’t except anything new.

They can’t look beyond

His drooping bony face.

And then, for some reason,

They think that he’ll chase.

The sad little corpse

Standing in the rain.

Maybe tomorrow

He will try again.

But that will be the last.

He won’t do it anymore.

Forget all their reactions.

He thinks and is out the door.

And then to his amazement,

As he stands there all alone,

A blue butterfly flits to him,

And makes his finger it’s home.

A smile grows on his face,

He finally found a friend!

The corpse and butterfly,

Stayed together ‘til the end.

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