Hear Me Out

Hear me out, please. What if you are not actually you?

What if none of your memories are actually yours? What if they were all just planted in your head, and they never actually happened? What if those “memories” are just a character backstory?

What if “your” actions are pre-written, already a formed script? What if none of your choices are yours, you just think they are?

What if you are not the one sitting behind those eyes? What if you are really in a time and world much different than ours? What if you’re simply connected to this story, like a movie playing out from one characters constant perspective?

What if this “life” is simply entertainment? What if you belong to a whole different world? What if all of this is the work of an ordinary person’s imagination?

So look around. See the flaws in their work. And when you go to sleep tonight, remember you could wake up somewhere entirely different.

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