
I felt a cool breeze brushing against my skin as I slept on the couch in the living room. Out of pure curiosity, I sat up, seeing the mysterious door that I had always questioned was opened.

I looked around for my grandparents, but none of them seem to be around. I crept off the couch and walked towards the mysterious door. There was a cool breeze coming out of the door, it had left goosebumps crawling down my skin.

I turned on the flash from my phone. Nothing was inside the room, just a regular empty room.

I turned off my flash, about to leave when a loud sound caught my attention. A sound of a loud crashing sound, like plates falling from the shelves during an earthquake.

Shakened, I turned on my flashlight, shining it again to only an empty room. My heart started to pound in my chest as I slammed the door shut. What was in there? Where had the sound come from?

Before a moment of thought, the door swings open as the cold breeze sucks me into the room. Everything was cold and dark.. I couldn’t see or hear anything.. until. “So you got curious about my grandparents door too?”

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