Your protagonist is invited to a wedding. When they arrive, they realise one of the couple happens to be their first ever love with whom they lost touch long ago.


Allen smiled, happy to be invited to a wedding! He didnt have much info on it honestly, just when and where. He didn't read to much into the invite but decided to go! What could go wrong? It was also an escape from the castle je called home. How he hated it so much.

On the way to the wedding he was prepared, though nothing could prepare him for this. The wedding was no other than Jei Karmaras. The kid he loved so long ago, the same Jei with the bright red hair that helped him through everything in that god awful camp. Everything came back. All those seven years of Allens life that Jei was in everyday just.. Came back. As soon as he noticed Jei eyeing him he gave a wave! What was the wave full of? The sorrow for leaving without a goodbye? The happiness of seeing him again?

Allen let that thought slip, its his wedding fir gods sake. He hasnt seen him since he wad forteen. Hes just here to support Jei! He cant suddenly just rember all their nights together. Jei gave Allen a smile. The smile Allen missed. Allen sat down in one of the seats and watched his first love get married. He cried. Not happy for the couple but sad, sad its not him. He shouldnt be sad now. They were forever ago. Yet it still hurt.

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