
It’s silent

There is no sound

A sea of stillness floods the world

And drowns

The noise

Hides it beneath the ground

Beneath the grass of clouds

Muffling the sounds

Of the world.

It’s silent

There is no sound

But the growl

From the deep voice of nothingness

So loud and quiet

Ice and fire

In the whispers of the silence

Smiling as the power grows.

It’s silent

There is no sound

But the symphony of only

One screaming note

The power in it chokes

The noise of the sea

The waves crashing overhead

And all seems dead

But the nothingness

Lives in the space

Between every tight lipped

Tired quiet face

And speaks with shouts

Without breaking the golden silence

Of the green blue surface high above.

Silence is a scream of nothing

Silence is a shout of something

Hidden in its quiet folds

A smirking secret the dark waves hold

Silence is the tremors

Once the earthquake hits the ground

Silence has no sound

But it’s earsplittingly


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